About Our School

From Our Students

“Some things that I like about being here is there are really nice teachers and the school is really nice. I like how there are different clubs after school like art club and library club, I love how they make the snow bank in the winter and we can go out and play in the snow. It's really fun. I like that there is Spanish and a language I can learn. Being in middle school I like that we have lockers and like our own little spot.“

-Kelsey, 5th Grader

“What I love about STS is it's like a family to me. I have learned so much over the years, not just socially but also academically. I've grown as a student in so many ways, and made so many friends, and I feel so prepared for high school next year that's one reason why I love Saint Thomas so much. Also you can get to play basketball or soccer when you get a little bit older and that's very fun and the parents and teachers are very supportive of everybody. And you learn quite a bit.

I am doing drama this year. I am Grandpa Joe in the Willy Wonka Jr play. I'm very excited for it and I'm so happy to work with my amazing directors and students. It will be a wonderful production this year. I acted in the Peter Pan play last year and in Beauty and the Beast. I like being able to have those opportunities to participate in plays. 

St. Thomas is a wonderful place to be. You can go into any of the grades and there are always smiles on peoples’ faces and a warm fuzzy feeling, from Pre-K 3 to 8th grade it’s  all love at STS.”

-Reed, 8th Grader

From Our Parents

“St. Thomas is a place where my son feels safe, nurtured, and challenged to do his best.”

“The amazing community that has been established there. The teachers take time to form relationships with their students and meet each student at their level. Not only does the school teach my child academics, but also how to be a productive, moral member of the community. After my child shadowed for a day at St. Thomas, she said it felt like home and I knew we had found the right place.”

“The community feel makes it a good fit for us. It is a small community which greatly reduces the safety concerns unlike public schools.”

“My children have flourished in the friendly, inclusive environment, they are given the tools to be successful academically and socially. They participate in clubs and sports, which has increased their confidence and understanding that each student is an integral part of the St. Thomas community.”

From Our Teachers

There are two important reasons I love teaching at St. Thomas the Apostle School. The first reason is my students and their families. I present a challenging ELA curriculum, but each and every day my students enter the classroom not just ready to learn but ready to work to learn. This attitude can only be instilled by parents who support not only their children but also their children’s teachers. Second is my colleagues and administration who treat all in the building with compassion and respect. We share the belief that all students can learn. We, then, use our expertise to ensure that happens, and we bolster each other in the process. In general, I love the atmosphere in our school with its foundation in Christ’s message. I am proud to be a part of STS and celebrate every day what is accomplished here. 

-Ms. Jane Wingle, Middle School English

Faith Development is not only deepening one's faith, but developing a positive inner thought process, so that the students learn empathy, peace, love, friendship, and happiness within themselves, within their classmates, and within their faith. Students are actively involved in planning the monthly Mass, and are actively involved in participation in the Mass. The students take part as lectors, altar servers, and gift bearers. In conjunction with the Music program, Cantors also participate in the Mass by leading students and members throughout the service. Daily Religious instruction and participation in seasonal service activities encourage growth within students in becoming responsive to meeting the needs of others. 

-Ms. Denise Chonski, Art Teacher and Campus Minister

I have been a preschool teaching assistant at St. Thomas the Apostle school for seven years now and love watching the children’s growth and development from year to year. I have deep roots of about 50 years at the school, as I was a student, a volunteer, a parent of students, and now teaching assistant and social worker. I love the family atmosphere that develops between the students and the staff. The school provides an excellent learning environment, supporting academic, social and spiritual growth. Being a part of the early years of this growth is immensely rewarding. Sharing in the childhood wonder and watching their sponge-like minds soak up everything around them is amazing. The connections that are made between the students is life long, creating a strong network in the community and beyond. I am blessed to be part of such a rich, ever growing legacy. 

-Ms. Melissa Faiola, Pre-K Assistant and Social Worker

Each day at St. Thomas School, we begin and end our day with prayer. This is significant in helping students understand the importance of praying as a school community. It helps prepare them for the time they will one day leave our school as young adults and enter the worldly community. They understand that while they pray, they are communicating with God and their prayers are something that God deeply desires. We teach our students that there is a reason for them to pray as Jesus often did during his time on earth. As Jesus communicated with his father, he taught us to follow his example and communicate often with him as he does so beautifully with the “Our Father.” Although students may not remember the specifics of what happens each day, they will never forget their experiences to grow in faith and deepen their personal relationship with God through their daily conversation with him in prayer. We believe at St. Thomas that this deepening of faith will serve them well in life and allow them to make good moral, ethical, loving, and inclusive faith-based decisions for the rest of their earthly lives.

-Mr. Joe Catalano, Middle School Religion

From Our Priests

The Gospel of Matthew describes Jesus Christ inviting children to come to him for prayer: “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Mt 19:14). This is the mission of our school: to invite children to experience an education in an atmosphere grounded in the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. This plays out in any number of ways through the week, from prayer to begin and end the day, to gathering in church for Mass, to seasonal activities.

Importantly, we educate our students to be examples of the mercy, kindness, forgiveness, peace, and love that Jesus Christ is. Young people today experience challenges in many ways, and each day we strive to be an authentic Catholic school by connecting what we do with the Gospel message through the formation of faith via classroom instruction, projects, and service to God and the  community.

Plus, it’s fun being a priest in a Catholic School! We enjoy interacting with the students throughout the week in and outside the classroom. We lead retreats for our teachers at the beginning of the school year. And we are constantly praying for the success of our students, teachers, and school community.

Thank you for your interest in 

St. Thomas the Apostle School!

Fr. Rick Lesser, Pastor

Fr. Matt Duclos, Parochial Vicar

Fr. Charles Oneyenke, Parochial Vicar

Virtual Tour

Why STS?


St. Thomas the Apostle School presents an integrated approach to all curriculum areas.  The students become aware of God’s presence in their lives and work. At our school, children live and learn in the light of faith.


St. Thomas the Apostle School prepares children to proclaim the Good News. Community is the heart of Catholic education. It is not only a concept taught, but a reality lived.


St. Thomas the Apostle School educates children who will serve God and others by sharing their gifts and talents. We uphold the belief that each must serve the other for the good of all. Active participation in social justice issues and human concerns is the cornerstone of our service experiences.

The philosophy of St. Thomas the Apostle School states that the education of a child is best supported with active cooperation between parents and school. As a school community, we recognize parents as the child’s primary educators. We also recognize that each child has gifts and talents to bring forth, and we strive to help each child identify his or her talents and nurture them.

We place our trust in the Catholic Church and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our teachers and staff recognize the importance of integrating a Catholic education into the classroom and throughout the school, as well as beyond our front doors. The three-fold mission of our school is message, community, and service.

Faith &


What makes St. Thomas the Apostle School stand apart is not something tangible – it is the feeling that  you get when you walk through the doors of the building. St. Thomas the Apostle School is a Christ-centered environment with a warm, welcoming atmosphere. This feeling comes from our students, parents, faculty, staff, and volunteers who share their faith, compassion, knowledge, and dedication with each other and with the community.

The culture of St. Thomas the Apostle School is a “way of life” rooted in Christ, a Gospel-based creed and code, and a Catholic vision that provides inspiration and identity.  We receive and experience this culture through our liturgies, prayers, celebrations, symbols, and beliefs. We are a people of hope, faith, service, courage, and justice.  We hope, love, reconcile, and build community with one another.

Each day we strive to be an authentic Catholic school by connecting what we do with the Gospel message through the formation of faith via classroom instruction, projects and service to God and the community.  The ways in which we donate our time and talents are varied. Some examples of our students’ service and community-building activities include visiting the elderly and sick, hosting fundraisers for those in need and donating to local food pantries.  Students in second grade receive sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.


St. Thomas the Apostle School invites students to encounter the living presence of God through Jesus Christ who reveals love, truth, and the path to a meaningful life.


St. Thomas the Apostle School, rooted in our Catholic faith and responding to the mission of Jesus Christ, partners with students, families, faculty, parishioners, and alumni to foster a learning environment where students can deepen their relationship with God, foster a love of learning and the pursuit of truth, cultivate moral and academic excellence, and grow in respect for self and others.